Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

No chance for stomach pains!

Here is a glass of wine, as a sliver of goose, a dumpling here, because a piece in between studs and even the delicious cookies from mom - the Christmas holidays and the good food for our stomachs are one of the biggest challenges throughout the year.

Use every opportunity to walk a few steps. Already ten to 15 minutes of exercise can do wonders.
This picture gallery to look at SHAPE
No wonder that the Christmas gluttony sometimes even on the stomach and pulls suggests unpleasant consequences such as bloating, flatulence or heartburn after themselves.
We'll tell you how to act contrary to the large stomach growl and protect your stomach over the holidays can. Merry Christmas and Healthy Holidays!...

What your sleep position reveals

Whether we are on the side, abdomen or back, reveals a lot about our essence (Image: Thinkstock)
Curl up in bed together like a fetus in the womb? Or you lie on your back with your arms pressed tightly against the body like a tin soldier? The way you are embedded, namely reveals a lot about you!
What tells you about the sleep position, you will learn in the gallery!
The starfish beds we are in the starfish position, we are on the back and stretch your arms over your head from the pillow. The "Starfish" is a good listener and is quickly gaining friends. Nevertheless, he does not like the focus.

This picture gallery to look at SHAPE

Professor Chris Idzikowska from the Sleep Research Centre in Edinburgh by a survey of 1,000 volunteers researched, that there is a relationship between sleep position and personality. The most common is the fetal position, asleep in the more than forty percent of people - especially women. With eight percent of the least common is the prone position, at the end of the sleep hugging his pillow.
Sleeping position affects health
Our sleeping position also has an effect on health. This is the fetal position, where we are on the right side of the body, to be very healthy, because no pressure is exerted on the heart.
Snoring soldiers: According to research or promote the starfish position, however, soldiers snoring and breathing problems that cause sleep disturbances and can lead to a sensitive stomach. The reason for this is that these positions are not good bed for digestion. Lying on his back that is, small particles are excreted from the stomach through the mouth worse.
Also interesting is that we remain true to our sleeping position - because only five percent of people change their posture during the night.

Consumption to happiness: the wish for kids

iPod & Co. to make children happy: In the 21 Century are the desires of our little ones from a little more extravagant than ever. Without a brand name clothes and trendy accessories technique, the kids feel neglected fast.
What do children need between eight and 15 years in their opinion, to be happy? The survey was one of London's charitable organization "The Children's Society" after. For this purpose were 5500 boys and girls asked their opinion of the essentials for a normal life.

iPod & Co. to make children happy (Image: Thinkstock)
Result: In order to adapt themselves and to feel "normal", the kids obviously need often only material goods Bob Ride Meier, CEO of "The Children's Society" to:. "Too often we take when trying to understand what it means to be poor the perspective of parents and ignore the children. "For the first time in the study would now be interviewed by the children themselves what they need," to lead a normal, happy life. "

Topsy-turvy world: 8 things you can learn from your child
Based on the survey, a must-have list of children and young people was created. Here, there was so Reitemeiter that young people were often absent at things like pocket money, or family outings.
Alone did not occur when two or more products and opportunities in the lives of young consumers, they are already "significantly more unhappy" than those whose desires are all fulfilled, according to the study. Did the kids without five or more of the must- haves live, they were even five times more likely on a "low level of well being".
The Top Ten Must-haves among adolescents reads as follows:
- Pocket money
- Money you can save each month
- A garden outside the house or a grassy area near
- At least one family vacation per year
- A personal MP3 player
- Monthly outings with family
- A pair of designer sneakers or brand
- Fashion, matching clothes
- A family car
- Cable or satellite TV at home
The pocket money the way it is, without the need to get by most children (37 percent) - and it can by its own account also lacks most (22 percent). Thus, the weekly or monthly cash injection is the most important must-have for the children.
According to the survey indicated these findings indicate that children enjoy a degree of (financial) independence. This is also suggested that the monthly extra penny for laying aside also high on the list. 18 percent of the children would like to pay something every month in piggy bank, but can not.

The First Lady recommends: Education Tips from Michelle Obama
Also high up in the top ten family vacation (18 percent) and iPod (17 percent). Regular family outings with Mom, Dad & the Kids Co. are also a concern (15 percent).
Is that the MP3 player is the only product among the top five needs, evaluated a speaker of "The Children's Society" as a positive. "Everything is not materialistic," he quotes the British newspaper "Daily Mail" "There are many things as mentioned for example that one wants to spend more time playing with the family and. "

7 things you can learn from your child

"Please" and "thank you" say, eat with utensils, ride a bike: You are there every day for your child and put him in the course of his life in this and many other important things. And yet there are things you can learn from your child. We'll tell you what.

Exuberance and pure joy - two things we can learn from children (Photo: Thinkstock)
First Curiosity
"How many drops are in the rain?", "Why have other children to not eat enough?", "Why is the banana curved?" Children, a thousand questions and not give in until they get a satisfactory answer. Many of these children's naive questions expose us parents: Often we remember that we simply accept things without questioning them.Also, it would not hurt us if we were more curious and would like to go to things on the ground. This would expand our horizons for sure.
Waste of time: These questions should you ask your child not
Second Exuberance
Children are almost always play on the move, giggle rage, and also want to prefer their parents make a lot of nonsense. Unfortunately, most adults have long forgotten how to be totally unconcerned with real fun and engaging for their children. All too often we think, "Oh dear, how exhausting!" and the exuberance of our children try to steer into calmer. It would do us very well, sometimes to laugh again totally carefree and to think of nothing else but the moment.
Third True Joy
There is nothing easier than to bring children's eyes to shine: a small toy, a lollipop, one extra ride on the carousel or a round of frolicking with the parents. The kids are happy and pleased and honestly from the heart. How nice would it be if we feel even more real joy again and "infect" those around us so that would be!
4th Pure love
No one loves so honest, devoted and without ulterior motives, like a child! When the little children of your little hands to hug you and your child suddenly says, "Mom (Dad), I love you soooo sweet!", Then you can then melt with emotion! The gesture and the accompanying sentence is meant one hundred percent honest.
And we great? We also say "I love you!" - But sometimes just out of habit, sometimes because the other one would expect, because sometimes one's true feelings (yet) or because one wants to reveal the magical three words, something intended. How nice would it be if declarations of love between adults would also mean always as honest as the children.
5th Endurance
When a toddler learns to walk, to find it so often. But it wants to learn to walk, at any price! So it is always back on again and continue practicing until it works! Even when children grow older they are often with zeal and patience in the matter and not be discouraged by failure. Children show us: "persistence leads to success". Also, it can learn a lot of adults.
6th Be without prejudice
Children are very open mind towards people. They are curious and open, no matter how the other looks like, where he come from or what he does professionally.Children also have a lot of imagination and love slipping into other roles: sometimes they are knights and fairy and an hour later, deep sea divers and pizza maker. This change of perspective helps them find other children to fast one wavelength. Us adults, it is unfortunately often not so easy, completely at ease to approach others: appearance, status, pre-assessment or things you have heard about the person that influence the first meeting.
7th Fascination
A ladybug crawls on a leaf, a backhoe digs a trench, a ship sails under the bridge on which we stand by. Everyday events that we did not notice, but kids get to marvel.For the kids, it is unthinkable to go carelessly to excavators, ship or ladybugs over!Now and then we should also take time and let us pull ourselves together with our children by ordinary things in the spell.

Help when my child is sleeping through at last?

They have outgrown the baby ages ago, but on quiet nights is still not to think: The three-year-old wants at night several times a drink and have little promptly after the toilet, the four-year-old is making every night wide in parents' bed until mom or dad unnerved at the couch and move the two-year-old is awake for hours at night - with her weary parents ...
Why preschoolers often do not sleep through? Annette Kast-Zahn, psychologist and successful author of Sleep's classic album "Every child can learn to sleep" (GU-Verlag), explain.

Small children are often poor sleepers (Photo: Thinkstock)
Popular parenting books
With 850,000 units sold, "Every child can learn to sleep" one of the most popular parenting books in the country. These sales are in foreign countries, including China. It is not a dogmatic book, with one solution for all cases, this is Annette Kast-Zahn very important: "Since the first edition 1995, co-author and pediatrician Dr. Morgenroth and I read the book continues to evolve and to explain various specific cases, even quite gentle methods."
The behavioral therapist respects her parents' advice, always ensure that the needs of children are taken into consideration. That does not automatically mean that one should submit to the will of the child and must do everything what the child wants, says the author.

Sleep in parents bed: Yes or no?
The expert is in principle not opposed to children sleeping in parents bed. "As long as all goes well with the situation, there is no action," says Annette Kast-Zahn.
"If the parents are disturbed in their sleep, they share their bed long ago no longer voluntarily with their children and are already tired and annoyed, that's not good for the child. Then you should better look for the causes of sleep problems and after a child-friendly solution. "
Before making a plan
Parents who want to change something on their child's sleep habits have to feel at ease as first place always has a plan how they want to proceed as a whole. "You need to decide beforehand, 'What can I expect of myself and my child? As I continue, if not the first step works? '", Says the psychologist.
Also important: consistency and parental unity. "Mom and Dad have to pull together.Only then can change with little success, "says Annette Kast-Zahn.

Keeping distance: More Grips for Kids

Forget expensive private tutors or special education programs. The mystery is clever children, according to a recent study much simpler: women after the first child should just have a two-year baby break.

With "courage to leave gaps" intellectual high flyer? (Picture: Thinkstock)
In school, one or another of the "courage to leave gaps" certainly has brought ever had a better grade. If now hold even parents to the creed, should an intellectual high flyer nothing stand in the way.

Consumption to happiness: the wish for kids
Researchers found that when siblings that are two years apart, the intelligence of a child benefits, the British newspaper "Daily Mail". For the result, researchers had previously studied thousands of children, finally concluding: With a shorter age gap also reduces the math and reading skills of older brother or older sister.
The largest of the two-year effect is between the first and second births. Professor Kasey Buckles of the American University of Notre Dame in Indiana said their theory as follows: In your opinion, it is likely that the differences in school performance are associated with the time and resources to invest in a child's parents can before the next one is coming.
Vaccinate babies: Ten questions and answers parents
Two years had the perfect distance to promote the next generation. Everything that goes beyond building the advantage of not, the magazine "Human Resources". "The two-year gap is crucial since the first years of the most important in the development of a child. Divide the time to have if the child is a year old, is less favorable than if the child already goes to school" so Buckles to the "Sunday Time."

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

10 tips for a morning without hassle

First Sandwich the night before make
This tip is so simple and yet so effective: Prepare lunches the night before your child is already on. Perhaps in the same period in which you do anyway supper. Then stand butter dish, sausage, cheese and Co. already ready and can be used straight on.
Second Buffet dinner table cover
When the kids are in bed, cover the best nor the same table for breakfast the next morning. This is in peace and security with no children three times faster than in the morning chaos. Consider also the same but what is there for breakfast: cereal there, you can put the cereal boxes already on the table and wash the apples for this. Milk is still there or you can right now for tomorrow to get a pack from the basement? Still have enough coffee beans or powder in the coffee maker? Are your child's favorite cup and plate flushed?
Third School bag packed for the homework
Unpack immediately after the homework with your child's school bag. If you already have a large school child, it can do the course itself. Just make sure that the satchel is being prepared following the homework for the next day. If now the English-issue can not be found, may be looking for it without any time pressure. Even for small-diligence tasks, such as for example, pointed to all the pins, now is the time - certainly not the next morning.
4th Clothes lay ready
Consider the evening when you bring your child to bed, which together put it on the next day. This will prevent the next morning, at best, time-consuming discussions about the choice of clothing. Put the clothes your child also so handy that it knows in what order it should attract the individual parts. Then you must bring your child back after not to take off the sweater, because it has forgotten his undershirt and trousers, tights or absent because long johns. If you have preschoolers, you can without feeling guilty help getting dressed, even if your five year old could this actually already own. He may, indeed, but maybe not at your own pace, in the morning when it will go faster. Up to school age help in this situation is perfectly fine!
5th Important things to prepare
Hat, scarf, gloves and snow pants for your preschooler: Is everything there? The best way to find the stuff together the night before. If you notice that your teenager has forgotten his gloves in the school or the scarf from Grandma, you can now search for a replacement and not have to be hectic in the morning. A look at the shoes can not hurt: If your child was out there today have, the shoes may be freed from mud tracks. This is tomorrow morning, probably no time!
6th Before the children to be ready
When your alarm clock rings? So you wake up right after your children and the whole family at the same time in the bathroom is? They are but 20 minutes earlier and get ready before your children shuffled sleepily into the bathroom. Then you have the time to provide assistance or you're not making the beds.
7th Buffer time schedule
Her daughter is a morning person? My son wants to wear at the time nothing more than his "Lightning McQueen" shirt and you know there will be trouble, because you have sorted out their favorite song in the dirty laundry? With the buffer, have you "worked out" by your previous standing because you already finished before the children are, you have time, for example, your daughter to bed to cuddle and caress them gently awake. To give her the opportunity to slowly and in a good mood to wake up and this is ultimately good for the whole family! Discussions of items of clothing can be personalized with a little extra time bearable and resolve, as with constant views of the Clock.
8th Clear division of responsibilities of parents
If you are lucky, your partner and you get up at the same time and spend the morning together with the children is with a fixed division of tasks. That could look like that your husband ever cooked breakfast while you take care of the children. Perhaps one should come to you with a child is clearly better, then this is the other worry maybe a second child ... The actual assignment will look different in every family. The fact is this: When you support each other as parents, you will definitely save you valuable time!
9th Turn on music
Music sets the mood - even in the morning! Insert a CD but with funny children's songs or music that pleases the whole family, a. This lifts the mood to get up and wash wear, and much easier to go straight from the hand.
10th No toys, magazines or mobile phones at the breakfast table
Finally, if you all are at the breakfast table, you should make sure that your cell phone, magazines, books and toys disappear from the table. The TV should be turned off in the morning. This all leads to that is that your children are distracted, do not eat properly and the breakfast is protracted. Parents should respect it. Often, breakfast is the only common meal of the family. The more beautiful it is, if a conversation develops, and everyone can tell them what the day brings, on what he / she is happy or from what he / she might have a little scared. 20 minutes for a group breakfast, should now - thanks to the preceding time-saving tricks - be in there.

Baby luck with more than 40?

More and more women are over 40 years' time or even for the first time mother. Is this selfish behavior? How hard it is at this age to be pregnant? What are the risks during pregnancy and childbirth?

Carla Bruni is 43 years, when in October she gives birth to daughter Giulia, Ute Lemper gets a few weeks ago with 48, the fourth child, rock singer Gianna Nannini in November 2011 with 54 experienced their first baby happiness. Even in Germany in recent years the number of late mothers has increased. Meanwhile, every twentieth child born with one parent, with over 40 years. In 1990 it was only sixty-sixth of each baby. This is confirmed by the Federal Statistical Office.

How high are the chances, with over 40 to be pregnant? What about risks and complications? Are older women better mothers or their behavior is selfish and irresponsible?

"Contraceptive" career
Between 20 and 29 years for a woman from a biological point of view is the best age to get pregnant. This is confirmed by Dr. Viola Twenty, senior physician at the Women's Clinic in the hospital in Dachau: "In this time a woman is most fertile and the risk for birth defects during pregnancy are low." Many women are in this age but in training or studies have not found the right partner or want to start only once in their careers and enjoy their independence.

Especially among university graduates, the number of mothers who turned 40, big. The career is often the best contraceptive. The academics want to get the job until something and be financially independent before they become mothers. The baby will request repeatedly postponed until the biological clock is ticking loudly.

Note: plastic softener bisphenol A can harm the baby in the womb

Last chance for a child
More and more often "caught" there are also women who have completed their family planning with a long time. Shortly before the menopause - just before it is irrevocably too late - many women experience a sudden strong desire to become a mother again. The first children are already high and the desire awakens a nest boxes: One last time to feel a baby grow in the womb, take one last time, a newly born bundle of life in the arm ...

Some women want to maybe two guys a girl or a child for whom they finally have the time because they now doing well financially. Also a new partner can ignite the desire for another child again. Even women who are really confident and happy, childless come just before the menopause once again to ponder: Is this really their decision right?

Declining fertility
But even if the heart and mind now say "yes", the body has yet to play. For 30 years, starting off slowly and clearly, the fertility of 35 years. With 40 to decrease the chances of getting pregnant naturally even rapidly. Young Women in the ideal childbearing age 20 to 29 years per cycle, a 30 percent chance of becoming pregnant. women around 40, however, have only a ten percent probability.

"Anyone over 40 years to become pregnant, help out at frequent intervals. Sometimes it is sufficient to stimulate the ovulation hormone, sometimes there is no way of artificial insemination over and also it needs it most, several attempts," said the Dachau gynecologist. "If an average of 50 years beginning menopause, pregnancy is almost impossible. Then a woman can still get pregnant by more than one egg. This is not allowed in Germany."

Risk of pregnancy from 35
Is from 35 in the maternity card the words "risk pregnancies" and sure enough: With age also increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage. Women aged 40 are twice as likely as a miscarriage 30 years. Even on high blood pressure and diabetes need to eighth gynecologists in the care of older pregnant women. These diseases remain undetected, it can cause serious complications such as a come-eclampsia. Moreover, it can happen at the end of pregnancy, the placenta, the unborn child is no longer sufficiently supplied with nutrients and the baby will be brought before the expected birth date must be.

Twenty senior physician Dr. soothes but: "The opportunities for older women to give birth to healthy baby are very large, the medical check-ups during pregnancy have improved considerably in recent years.." Even the women themselves, who want this child so much to do everything to ensure that their baby is born healthy: you eat a healthy diet, appropriate exercise to treat eighth to miss rest breaks and not the closely scheduled checkups.

Risk of Down syndrome
The only risk is not explained away, the more likely a child with the chromosomal abnormality trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) to get. The children are then - more or less strong - physically and mentally disabled to the world. The decisive factor is the age of the mother: the pregnant woman is 25 years old, the odds of having a child with Down syndrome get in less than 0.1 percent, with 35 years at 0.3 percent and at the age of 48 years ago at nine percent.

"Through an amniocentesis can detect such a chromosome abnormality, but not completely eliminate the risk," explains Dr. twenties. "Other diagnosed malformations, which are not due to chromosomal abnormalities can not be. But you must make a detailed ultrasound scan at 20 weeks of pregnancy." The gynecologist but warns that it could one hundred percent by any method that the child is handicapped in any way.

Young mothers: More energy, more chaos?
When it comes to the ideal age to become a mother, opinions are divided: Some argue for young mothers who involve their children in everyday life and often more flexible with their own age are still close to the needs of children. They crawl around without effort with the kids on the floor, playing hide and football.

For young mothers and their children often live a little messy. You may have separated from the father of the child and do not know how to make ends meet financially. Only when the children are grown, they have the opportunity to durchzustarten itself: Then they might finally finished their training and can be realized in the job.

The main thing loved: A baby does not care how old his mother's (Photo: Thinkstock)

The main thing loved: A baby does not care how old his mother's (Photo: Thinkstock)

Older mothers more serenity, more exhaustion?
Other women to live consciously an opposite approach: first you make career, and then give the child something and engage fully and completely on it can be. These mothers may no longer climb trees, but are often more satisfied overall with their situation. You can also cut back once and not have the feeling to miss something with the baby.

Older mothers are perhaps even more relaxed when the young mantscht at the dinner table with food or milk spilled on the other hand, they're always running at their physical limits: Chronic lack of sleep because the baby is not for nights sleep, older women is certainly a lot more than younger mothers.

Caesarean section yes or no: How to choose expectant mothers?

And who thinks of the baby?
Anyone over 45 years once again to become pregnant should also think about the child: How does it feel in kindergarten and at school when his mom is always much older than the other mothers? How does it feel for the young, when he left school when mom already close to retirement age?

Ultimately, everyone must decide for himself how he wants to live with his family. In the first and top priority should always be in each case that the child is loved by the heart.

Am I a good mother?

Mothers want the very best for their child. You want to encourage their children best, always be there for him to do anything for him - and tear is full of bad conscience between family, job and home.

"Motherhood" has long since become a high-performance sport - and the mothers themselves remain all too often with their own needs on the track, but mothers may just be selfish and think of themselves, without any harm to the children equally.

Pleaded Corinne Knauff, Graduate remedial teacher and author ("I am a good mother!", Campus-Verlag). The expert makes women courage and exposes well known "good mother-mantra," with which mothers themselves day after day under pressure . set

Perfect Mothers do not do good for their children

In this day and age your child has grown into a project that the parents have successfully off the ground. Many mothers are put under enormous pressure to think and reason, you are only "good mothers" if they are perfect and everything - and thus their children - under control.

Mothers who are raising very confident after their own ideas and not afraid of failure, would give their offspring the other hand: "You, my child, are great as you are, and errors are not catastrophic," said the remedial teacher.

Curiosity, perseverance and pure love that and much more you can learn from your child

That's what makes a good mother

Today to be a good mother, it takes the opinion of the expert five traits:

First A mother should be empathic, to empathize with their child and his being able to perceive.

Second A good mother must be brave. You should be solved by social pressures and make unpopular decisions, even if it means sometimes be alone with the child, or stress.

Third A good mother is hungry for life. She lives not only for the welfare of her child, but also a life as a woman.

4th A mother needs to be politically incorrect today. The societal expectations of mothers today are so inflated that any relaxed mother is forced to rule, to conduct themselves on a daily basis, however.

5th A good mother is "down to earth." You should not chase the illusion that lead to a perfect storybook life with their children. In addition, they should accept themselves broadly as the mother she is, with all their weaknesses and mistakes.

Diploma Remedial teacher Corinna Knauff exposed 8 "good mother mantra":

First I have my child in the crucial first three years, mostly self-care and may not be available in a day care center.

First and foremost it's about what is the best way for the whole family. That is also the best for your child. If you are missing, for example, your job and you do not feel comfortable with it, the whole day to be at home with your baby, you and your family's total of maybe more so, if you work part time and your child during this time in a Kita is managed.

Second As a good mother, I must encourage my child as a baby with optimal early musical education, PEKIP and baby swimming, followed by English as a toddler, children's ballet and yoga.

Free play, relaxed social contact without competition and the good old reading are for the cognitive and emotional development of your child much more effectively than questionable promotional activities. You too can take so much as a mother stress! Most importantly, with his child to feel comfortable around. This may also be at home on the play mat. Interestingly, by the way are the toughest "critic-mothers" other mothers!

A kiss as the most beautiful proof: Yes, I am a good mother! (Photo: Thinkstock)

A kiss as the most beautiful proof: Yes, I am a good mother! (Photo: Thinkstock)

Third The bad behavior of my child falls back to my lack of parenting skills.

. Knauff Corinna. This "good mother's mantra," makes clear that many mothers have to contend with a chronic bad conscience if you think so, you are in themselves also permanently inflated claims your children - they are still as good educated - one must also test their boundaries or "next" to behave in order to learn from it.

Children can not always behave perfectly adapted. If you expect of them, you will always fail due to your ideal. The result is great guilt. Take your strict maternal ideal overboard! Go with yourself just how forgiving and loving with your children. Also, what makes good education.

4th Only if I ever do anything for my child and it will love me back as an adult looking for a good childhood.

5th As a good mother, I re-set my needs. First comes the family, then me.

6th As a good mother I am involved in nursery school and also when I was done the day at the office and with the family completely, and I would prefer to lie down on the couch.

Discontent instead of happiness: Accumulate over your children at Christmas with too many gifts

7th As a good mother, I must always know where my child is, what it does and with whom it meets.

8th As a good mother, I should take my child always earnest and integrate it into important decisions early on.

If you treat your child as an equal partner, take the same time as the guardians of the responsibility and challenge your child with it. Of course you may and should include your child in small decisions, such as which T-shirt to wear it or what it wants for breakfast. The choice of a holiday destination but leave your child alone to go too far....